Group facilitation and types of training

Working with groups is a mission to which we are wholeheartedly dedicated and we never stop developing ourselves and our clients in the vast art of human relationships, through the prism of a systems approach, experiential learning, creative self-exploration and interaction.
Our experienced trainers support individuals and groups to unleash their hidden talents, their creative and interpersonal potential, to achieve group intelligence and maturity in the light of which they can see their current issues in a new way.

The services we offer:

  • Systematic facilitation of group processes (social organizations, educational institutions, environmental organizations, creative industries, youth organizations, etc.).
  • Team building of teams
  • Organizational consulting of work teams
  • Training of pedagogical specialists, psychologists, pedagogical advisors, social and youth workers, etc.
  • Trainings for facilitators and/or leaders of experiential trainings
  • Creative and experiential workshops
  • Mentoring and empowerment of marginalized groups (volunteers, refugees, ethnic minority youth, etc.)
  • Green art workshops
  • Violence prevention workshops through the forum theater method

Socially engaged outdoor art

For us, art is a continuous source of inspiration and a means to explore our relationship with ourselves, with others and with nature as well as important social processes. We experiment with innovative creative approaches in order to expand our knowledge and experience relating to:

  • Art in search of an encounter of different social groups; studying and understanding the culture, aesthetics and traditions of different communities
  • Art as a tool for connecting with personal creativity and spontaneity, engaging audiences in the creative process
  • Art as a means to reduce violence in society, to put forward a discussion about violence through the forum theater method
  • Art as an opportunity to connect and care for nature

International exchange

Thanks to our participation in international networks and programs we exchange experiences and knowledge with our fellow artists, cultural managers, divers community and socio-cultural actors, facilitators. We are happy that most of our established international partnerships have grown into successful initiatives implemented at home and abroad.

Community work

We create a space for encounters, collective creativity and collaboration between different social groups (ethnic minorities, communities with limited access to culture, geographically isolated communities, refugees). Our community activities cover several different thematic areas:

  • Activities with communities of ethnic minorities
  • Activities with inhabitants of depopulated villages in the Rhodope mountains
  • Activities with young people from underprivileged communities
  • Training of professionals (educators, social workers, artists, psychologists) working with marginalized communities
  • Mentoring refugees

Research and stories

An integral part of our work is to conduct research aimed at expanding society’s knowledge of marginalised and little-known communities. Equally important to us are the stories of the participants in our initiatives.